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Apart from our excellent fishing packages we also offer other destinations such as the mangrove tour  in sierpe river  where you can find a variety  wild life ,reptiles, birds and others species.

 But if you are looking for a direct contact with nature we offer the tour to Corcovado National Park which consists of 2 walks of approximately 3 hours, in this tour you can find abundant flora and fauna and a unique vegetation of the place that does not You will find nowhere else on the planet. Or if you prefer to have a relaxed day and enjoy the sun, the beach, the sea and the sand we recommend the tour to  caño  island  a magical place with crystal clear waters with more than 250 species of fish where you can enjoy snorkeling or diving , After these activities on the island we offer sanjosecito beach as a destination of relaxation just 30 minutes from caño island . We have the best options, the best packages, the best destinations and the best attention so that you enjoy your stay in the  osa  peninsula  take advantage and enjoy your vacations in costaraica with Chavarria Sport Fishing and remember we are your best choice .


Importance: This area has a great biological variety and an incalculable cultural heritage. It is represented by a forest ecosystem, which is flooded periodically by the action of the tides and where there is an appropriate supply of sludge, rich in organic matter. It comprises the largest and most important mangrove forests in Costa Rica. It is prolific in vegetation and has great variety of associated fauna such as mollusks, fish, waterfowl, and mammals. Site of feeding, reproduction and refuge of great amount of species of wildlife, both marine and continental. Protects wetland ecosystems from increased agricultural frontiers. The presence of a large delta ensures an abundant supply of freshwater, nutrients and sediments for the establishment and development of an extensive mangrove forest and associated yolillo.                                                                                                                

  Weather: It's climate is tropical humid influenced by the Pacific regime, the temperature oscillates between the 27 ° to 30 ° centigrade and its precipitation is of 4000 mm annual average. The maximum height in the core area is 0 msnm and 6 msnm in the canton of Osa.                                                       

 Flora :The most important flora is constituted by hydrophonic  species whose vital cells must be made in association with the aquatic environment. In this wetland can be distinguished three types of vegetation: of mangrove, palustrine and herbaceous. There are espavel (Anacardium excelsum), mango (Mangifera indica), naranjillo (Chrysobalanus icaco) and beach almond tree (Terminalia catappa). Terraba-Sierpe is the habitat of numerous species of birds, fish, mammals and reptiles. This has become a refuge for wildlife. Its resident and migratory birds are the most frequent species. The aquatic fauna consists of fish, molluscs, oysters and crustaceans. Mammals and crustaceans exist in less abundance and variety. Some outstanding species include: crocodiles and alligators, blue egret, white ibis and osprey, among others.                                                                                                  

Cultural heritage: In this area are sites of archaeological interest. It was inhabited by natives 300 years A.C. In this sector are the spheres carved in stone of more than two meters of diameter; As well as a variety of decorated pottery, objects of gold, all of which constitute part of the archaeological wealth of the country, this is due to the abundance of minerals that are in the soil of its mountains that surround the rivers of this region. The largest gold nugget in the country, was found on Violin Island, located at the mouth of the River Sierpe. SERVICES In the village of Sierpe gastronomic services of lodging and water transport.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Extension 32,325 Ha.


Corcovado National Park is located on the Osa Peninsula in southwest Costa Rica (9 ° North, 83 ° West), and is part of the Osa Conservation Area. It was created on October 24, 1975, and comprises an area of ​​45757 ha land and 5375 ha marine. It is considered a very important piece in the wide system of national parks and biological reserves of the country. Biodiversity is amazing. National Geographic has called it the most intense place in the world, biologically speaking and it is estimated that no place in the world (which has a similar extent) shelters a greater biological diversity.  Description : The park retains the largest primary forest in the American Pacific, along with one of the few significant remnants of tropical rainforest in the world. Logging usually takes place in this forest because it is an accessible place containing valuable and large trees. However, these habitats are the richest, biologically speaking. So, even though about half of the earth's moist tropical forests are still standing, what remains of these is often not enough to sustain the original biodiversity. In particular, large animals need a large habitat. Corcovado, however, is large enough to support important populations of tapir (Tapirus bairdii), also known as tapir, jaguar (Panthera onca) and chancho de monte (Tayassu pecari), species that are considered endangered, besides containing 140 species of Mammals (representing 10% of the mammal species of the American continent). Costa Rica itself is considered an ideal place for ornithologists, and Corcovado contains several hundred species of birds. Recently the harpy eagle, which was considered extinct in the area since 1989, has been sighted in the park. The abundance in wildlife can be explained in part by the varied vegetation, of which there are 13 types, including mountain forest (which covers more than half of the park), mangrove, prairie forest, alluvial plain forest, forest Marsh and others, which together contain 500 species of trees, such as space. Another reason for diversity (which applies to the rest of the country) is that it is located in a biological corridor of flora and fauna. The average annual temperature is 27.5 degrees Celsius, but during the day temperatures regularly reach 35 degrees.  Flora and fauna:  A tiger in Corcovado. Large annual rainfall instead of a large number of watercourses (such as the rivers Sirena, Llorona, Molina, Madrigal) and lake areas, favoring the development of forests with high trees (Nazarene, garlic, lead, The ceiba and the pylon) in almost total alternation with others such as guayabón, Spanish and male cedar, all these trees are covered with epiphytes. It develops an ideal habitat for the development and maintenance of 350 species of birds, 150 species of mammals (jaguars, pumas, herons, blue herons, pijijes, plovers) ocelots, tapirs, monkeys, zaínos, deer, coatis) , More than 100 species of reptiles (crocodiles, snakes, iguanas) and amphibians (glass frog, poison toad) and about 5500 insects. IMPORTANCE: Corcovado has an unusual level of biological diversity that is not exceeded by any area of ​​similar size on the planet. The area includes 25 to 30 ecosystems that host the largest populations of species such as jaguar, puma, chancho de monte and tapir, in Costa Rica. The park protects a major maritime area (almost 54km²) in which a great variety of marine life is developed, it has been discovered that to the east of the park there is a breeding area of ​​humpback whales that come from both the northern and southern hemispheres. The park houses endemics of great importance, including 12 species of trees in danger of extinction.


Isla del Caño is a small island about 20 km from Drake Bay, Costa Rica, which has about 300 hectare  (3 km²) . 1 2 It is in the part of the Pacific Ocean of Costa Rica, west of the Peninsula Of Osa. It was declared a national park and protected area, with a permanent ranger station on the island. It is a popular tourist destination, which attracts visitors for its beaches, coral reefs and marine life. Researchers currently use coral beds to study the factors surrounding coral death and the process of recolonization. Marine life includes manta rays, dolphins, sea turtles, whales and a variety of fish. The limited diversity of the terrestrial fauna, however, is remarkable, since the island has less than one percent of the diversity of insects of the peninsula and emphasizes the absence of numerous native animals of the near mainland. Evidence of pre-Columbian human activity on the island is substantial, with some interesting artifacts such as carved stone spheres evidently made by the earliest civilizations that inhabited these territories.


CAÑO ISLAND ATRACCIÓN : Caño Island attracts visitors to its beaches, coral beds, sea life and migratory birds.  Famous for having Costa Rica’s largest concentration of coral-building organisms along the Pacific Ocean, Cano Island Biological Reserve plays host to schools of tangs, jacks and needlefish, boring sponges, diadem sea urchins, sea cucumbers, crustaceans, parrot fish, puffers, damselfish, large schools of barracudas, tunas, and moray eels that present an ever-changing panorama to those who venture below the surface for some of the best snorkeling and scuba diving in Costa Rica. Snorkelers and divers spend hours below the ocean's surface investigating the variety of life found among the Porites and Pocillopora coral reefs.                      


MARINE LIFE :  Marine life is also abundant in the general outliers of the island. Manta rays are often seen breaching, dolphins are encountered daily, and Olive Ridley sea turtles are commonly observed swimming and even mating as they travel to and from the sandy beaches of the peninsula where they lay their eggs.  Also spotted are the white tipped reef sharks, silky sharks, bull sharks and occasionally whales sharks and humpback whales, which are seen during their annual migrations from July and October, and again in December through March. Cano Island is composed of Tropical Rain Forest and its vegetation is varied, presenting very high trees and evergreen flora. It contains almost 158 species of superior plants and ferns.  The island’s forest and its inhabitants are in stark contrast to those on the mainland of Corcovado National Park, less than 11 miles away.  The island has a resident insect fauna that is perhaps one percent as rich as that of Corcovado.

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